Shingles vaccine 2 vaccines 6 months apart We are currently contacting patients to offer the Shingrix Shingles vaccinations but criteria is strict. You need to be turning 65 or 70-79 … [continue] Shingles, RSV, Influenza, Pneumonia and Covid vaccination information
Accessing your GP-held records via the NHS app or NHS website
As your GP practice, we have been asked to provide you with, no later than 31 October 2023, access to your full medical record going forward via the NHS app … [continue] Accessing your GP-held records via the NHS app or NHS website
Face Masks
Face coverings are no longer compulsory within the practice, however if you have a respiratory illness or flu like symptoms it would seem sensible to wear one. Please be aware … [continue] Face Masks
GP Earnings 21/22
Average earnings per full time equivalent partner = £73,831.00
Blood pressure reviews
My blood pressure review is due? The surgery has a limited supply of automated home blood pressure monitors to take home and record a series of results(for instance 3 readings … [continue] Blood pressure reviews