Telephone: 01424 772060 – Emergencies: 01424 772263

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About our patient group

Would you like to become a member of our Patient Participation Group (PPG) to represent the patient community and respond to the Practice’s services from the patients’ point of view. With the help of our PPG we will aim to improve patient services and enhance the care we provide.

Patient representatives discuss issues affecting the practice, and help the surgery to deliver the best service it can, contributing to practice decision-making, service development and provision.

If you wish to join the group, we would like to hear from you. Please email the PPG giving your name, address and telephone number and we will send you a short application form. Or pop into the surgery to pick application form up.

Our current PPG consists of 9 members who are registered patients.

As we are limited to how many patients we can have attending meetings (12) and for those who are unable to attend the meetings, the PPG is keen to communicate with and hear from as many patients as possible about their experiences (both good and bad) of using the services of the surgery. Sign up by email to

Email for more information on the PPG.

Date published: 6th March, 2020
Date last updated: 1st August, 2024